Ronaldo the Snowman

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

One of the really cool things about working from home is that you can take a couple of hours off to do absolutely essential things with your children, like snowman-building, and get straight back to work afterwards.
In February, we had a rare and fabulous fall of snow that turned the garden and surrounding fields into a true winter wonderland. I told my boss that I was taking some time off and JP, Lou Loo and I got kitted out and went outside to get down to the serious business of building a snowman. The only trouble was that it was a little too cold to stay outside for very long, so he ended up being on a tad on the diminutive side.
Nevertheless, he was christened with a suitably noble name, reflecting JP's current fascination with all things football (btw, he's not a Man U fan really - he just likes the colour red).


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